CCAMLR implements a comprehensive set of measures in order to support the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources and the management of fisheries in the Southern Ocean. These conservation measures are reviewed and developed at each annual meeting of the Commission, and subsequently implemented by Members during the ensuing intersessional period and fishing season. Conservation measures are published in the annual Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force.
Members are notified of new or amended conservation measures in early November, following the Commission’s annual meeting, and these are usually implemented on 1 December to align with the start of the fishing season. Conservation measures become binding, according to Article IX.6 of the Convention, around early May of the following year (180 days after the first notification).
Some measures apply to a specific time period (e.g. a fishing season) while other measures remain in force at all times. Measures which are no longer applicable are removed from the schedule and archived by the Secretariat.
Conservation measures are listed under general categories, and each measure is uniquely identified by a numeric code consisting of a leading 2-digit code designating the category to which the measure belongs and a trailing 2-digit number identifying the measure within that category; the year in which the version of the measure was agreed follows in brackets, e.g. 22-06 (2010). The categories used for the measures are:
- Compliance
- General fishery matters
- Fishery regulations
- Protected areas.
CCAMLR also uses non-binding resolutions which complement the measures and Members are encouraged to implement each resolution where possible. Resolutions are identified by a consecutive number followed by a roman numeral identifying the Commission meeting (by number) when the version of the resolution was agreed, e.g. 22/XXV.
Accessing conservation measures
- Browse conservation measures – A list of all current conservation measures with links to individual measures as PDF documents
- Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force 2021/22 (
4.34 MB) – A single publication (PDF document) containing the complete schedule of conservation measures in force for the current season
- Past and present conservation measures – A list of each Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force by year back to 1989