This measure is not currently active. Prohibición de la pesca dirigida para Champsocephalus qunnari en la Subárea 48.3 del 4 noviembre de 1988 a1 20 noviembre de 1989Area: Subarea 48.3Species: Champsocephalus gunnariAdopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-VIIPeríodo en vigor: 1988 - 1989TabsDocument HistorialMeasure Superseded By TítuloAdopted at MeetingPeríodo en vigor Limitation of the Total Catch of Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 in the 1989/90 Season (13/VIII)CCAMLR-VIII1989 - 1990 Measure Supersedes TítuloAdopted at MeetingPeríodo en vigor Limitation of the Total Catch of Champsocephalus gunnari in Statistical Subarea 48.3 (8/VI)CCAMLR-VI1987 - 1988 This page was last modified on 27 Aug 2014