This measure is not currently active. Уведомления о намерении участвовать в промысле Euphausia superbaSpecies: Euphausia superba Районы: All Areas Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXVIIСрок действия: 2008 - 2009TabsДокумент ИсторияMeasure Superseded By ЗаголовокAdopted at MeetingСрок действия Notifications of intent to participate in a fishery for Euphausia superba (21-03)CCAMLR-XXVIII2009 - 2010 Measure Supersedes ЗаголовокAdopted at MeetingСрок действия Notifications of intent to participate in a fishery for Euphausia superba (21-03)CCAMLR-XXVI2007 - 2008 Notifications of intent to participate in a krill fishery (21-03)CCAMLR-XXV2006 - 2007 This page was last modified on 26 Jun 2014