The Data Centre holdings include:
- fishery data
- catch and effort reports
- haul-by-haul catch, effort, biological and vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME)-indicator data
- fishery and trade statistics (
1.62 MB)
- scientific observer data
- biological and operational data
- tag-recapture and otolith data linking
- fishery survey data (including acoustic surveys)
- CCAMLR VME Registry (
56.08 KB)
- marine debris data
- CEMP data
- compliance data
- vessel information (including movements)
- licensing
- inspectors and inspections
- Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)
- Catch Documentation Scheme (CDS)
- transhipments
- fishery notifications (new, exploratory, krill)
- research notifications
- GIS shape files and data layers
- reference data
These data may be accessed under the rules for the access and use of CCAMLR Data.