CCAMLR Science and the science used by CCAMLR
In the exchange between Drs Everson and Brierley, the values for the total biomass of krill, estimated using data collected during the CCAMLR-2000 Survey, represent two of the estimates available. As the exchange reflects, there are a number of ways in which such estimates can be derived and CCAMLR recognises the importance of considering all plausible approaches to estimating krill biomass. However, recognising that an approach has merit and agreeing to use that approach to provide management advice are not synonymous. Indeed, after considerable debate and analysis, CCAMLR has agreed to use an approach that uses a modified form of the krill target strengths determined from an SDWBA model in conjunction with the Jolly and Hampton analysis approach. This approach provides a biomass estimate of 37 million tonnes for the area of the southwest Atlantic included in the CCAMLR-2000 Survey and forms the basis of the estimation of the precautionary yield of 3.47 million tonnes for that region (Conservation Measure 51-01 (2007)) (CCAMLR, 2007).
CCAMLR. 2007. Schedule of Conservation Measures in Force, 2007/08. CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia: 192 pp. Available online: (4.65 MB).
Comment policy of CCAMLR Science
CCAMLR Science very much welcomes post-publication critique of papers that it has published. Such critique is an essential part of the scientific process and acknowledges that, despite the best efforts of the peer-review process (and those of the editorial staff), published work may contain errors, alternative interpretations may not be adequately represented and there may simply be differences of opinion or interpretation. By providing an opportunity to enter into a post-publication dialogue, CCAMLR Science recognises that this must be done at a scientific level and provides an opportunity for both sides of the debate to present their comments/reply in an open way prior to publication.
In deciding what represents appropriate material to be published in a Comment/Reply, a useful model is provided by the advice of Kinne (2007) who stated that ‘There may be a temptation to use Comment/Reply Comment exchanges as a stage for elaborating on conflicts of interest, for political, technological or legal disputations, or as an instrument for personal revenge. We do not support such misuse and Editors must help to prevent it.’
Kinne, O. 2002. Importance and organisation of direct post-publication critique. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 228: 1.
Change of Editors
It would be inappropriate if this volume of CCAMLR Science did not acknowledge the retirement in February 2008 of Dr Eugene Sabourenkov and his role as the Editor of CCAMLR Science since the journal’s first issue in 1994. Under his leadership, the journal developed from a proposal to the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR, to that first volume, then to this, the 15th volume. During that time the journal has published 165 papers detailing the science considered by CCAMLR in progressing its ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. It is now extracted by the major citation library services used by researchers globally. Eugene’s guidance helped the authors of those papers bring their science to a wider audience and, in doing so, to spread the message of the science done for CCAMLR, and in the process to hopefully also encourage other researchers to contribute their science, either to CCAMLR or to the field in general.
As the new Editor, I look forward to carrying on where Dr Sabourenkov left off and to enabling many more scientists to promote the excellent science conducted within CCAMLR that provides a sound basis for the decision-making of the Commission in managing the resources of the Southern Ocean.
Dr Keith Reid
Editor, CCAMLR Science
Journal Papers