Logbook data are collected by scientific observers participating in the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific Observation (SISO) on board fishing vessels. The logbook for krill trawl fisheries is used for recording information on gear type, vessel activity, incidental mortality of marine mammals and sea birds, by-catch, gear loss, biological information, processing methods and conversion factors, and any sightings of unknown vessels and gear.
SISO observers are also required to complete a cruise report for their trip, detailing inter alia the type of scientific observations undertaken, gear details, marine mammal and seabird interactions, and waste disposal practices. Observers should complete all of the parts of the report that are relevant to the fishery in which the vessel is engaged.
This zip file contains the logbook form, instructions for its completion and the trawl cruise report. The logbook and cruise report must be submitted to the Secretariat (observer [dot] scheme [at] ccamlr [dot] org) no later than one month after the observer returns to their home port.