The CCAMLR Secretariat Strategic Plan (2019–2022) (110.54 KB) details six inter-related service areas:
- Executive
- Communications
- Data and Information Systems
- Finance, Human Resources and Administration
- Fisheries Monitoring and Compliance
- Science
The Executive
The Executive Secretary is responsible for developing Secretariat policies and actions that strengthen the organisational resilience of CCAMLR and the Secretariat. These include staffing, financial accountability, work program delivery, serving as an ambassador for the Commission’s work, liaison with Contracting Parties and collaboration with other organisations.
Provides logistical and technical support for the operation of the Commission in its four official languages. In this role, the Communications section:
- provides professional translation and interpretation support to the annual meetings of the Commission, including the translation of relevant reports and supporting documents of the Commission, Scientific Committee and their subsidiary bodies
- develops and implements the Secretariat’s Communication Strategy to raise the profile of CCAMLR locally and internationally
- coordinates the management of information internally in the Secretariat
- manages publications and other related information resources.
Finance, Human Resources and Administration
Provides support to the Secretariat's Executive and other technical and support services, Finance, Human Resources and Administration:
- maintains best-practice standards for the administration of the Secretariat’s financial resources, personnel management, workplace policies and procedures and the maintenance of the Secretariat’s physical assets
- administers the Secretariat’s responsibilities described in the Headquarters Agreement between the Commission and the Government of Australia (
62.68 KB)
- provides administrative and professional support for the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance (SCAF)
- liaises with local organisations such as occupational health and safety, accounting, audit standards and workplace relations.
Fisheries Monitoring and Compliance
Provides technical and administrative support to the Commission in respect of the implementation of conservation measures affecting fisheries, including through:
- monitoring the progress of fisheries operating in CCAMLR waters and notifying Members of fishery closures
- administrative and coordinating support for operational programs implemented by the Commission including maintenance of CCAMLR’s illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) Vessel Lists, coordinating reporting relating to IUU fishing and the efficient operation of the Commission’s Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and Catch Documentation Scheme
- providing administrative, logistical and technical support to the Standing Committee on Implementation and Compliance (SCIC).
Data and Information Systems
Provides support to CCAMLR and the Secretariat through the management of all CCAMLR data and database infrastructure (data processing, documentation, quality assurance, risk management, storage and access) and for the maintenance of reliable, cost-effective and secure information and communications technology infrastructure supporting the business requirements of the Secretariat:
- maintains the Secretariat’s database infrastructure and coordinates activities of the Data Centre
- is responsible for data administration standards and procedures, processing and validation
- manages the computing and communications infrastructure for the Secretariat
- provides administration and technical support for applications and helpdesk services, including computing-related training within the Secretariat.
Provides technical and administrative support to the work of the Scientific Committee and its subsidiary bodies, which includes:
- close consultation with the Chair of the Scientific Committee and the conveners of expert working groups
- providing analyses of scientific and fishery data and information for consideration by the Scientific Committee
- administrative and coordinating support to technical programs including CCAMLR’s Scheme of International Scientific Observation, Ecosystem Monitoring Program, toothfish tagging program and marine debris monitoring.